Blade & Soul, Cash Betas, & Losing it in Translation

I’ve been paying more attention to my assassin, Mekumi Kaede, in BnS lately. I got sucked back into the TV show, and I was thinking, this game may be a lot more fun since I gave my old Mac a memory upgrade. I’m rocking 16 gig of ram now, and I have a solid cable internet connection. No more being blind sided by invisible enemies that can attack before their character model loads on my screen to target.

Lost in Translation

Admittedly, the translation on the English patch for the Russian translation of the Chinese version of this Korean game is getting better. The Bopae are now translated, “Soulshield”, in my inventory instead of “Table“. The story is making a bit more sense, and the humor is even beginning to shine through. Last night, a character actually had a thought bubble appear above his head that said something like “good thing I was off taking a dump when we got attacked”. Still, I miss a lot of quest cues because of the poor translation and end up running around in circles, hoping I’ll figure it out. It’s always fun when I wast money warping (wind walking) to the village because everyone told me to go to the village, only to find out I was supposed to be at the cemetery (face-palm). Usually, the map will help me out.

Last night, I was rocking through the story and having a great time getting down the timing of my skills. Today it hit me though. I have done nothing, really with my skill build. I have learned so much from Scarlet Blade about skill builds, and now I can apply that knowledge to other games! This, for an old n00b like me, is a total breakthrough moment. Not kidding at all. Still, I’m going to need to do a lot of back and forth for the skill builds because there are no translations there in-game. Luckily, I found this sweet guide, from webjunkies, and some on the BnSDojo Forums. Honestly, this is all a bit intimidating, but if I can do it in SB, then I can do it in BnS.

Cash Beta?

Mekumi Kaede, Jin Assassin

So, here is my dilemma… I really like this game, and it is coming out for the US… sometime soon… I think. There’s apparently an “open-beta” running right now, though. The trick is, you have to buy a founder’s pack or something to play it. So here’s the question. Who has done this? Is it worth it? I know the translation has to be better. Is it open consistently? Do you have to play at certain times when the test server is up? Will your characters transfer to the full release? Is there enough content to make it worth playing at this time? I saw a demo on Youtube where it appeared there was a limit on races and classes at the moment. I play Jin Assassin. Is that available under the beta?  I know these are n00b questions, but I have never participated in a beta before. Heck, I just started playing MMO’s a little over a year ago. Help me out here, people. The the old guy a bone. Let me know your thoughts on the Beta and the Founder’s packs in the comments below.

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